Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an integrative approach developed by the FAO aimed at helping guide actions to reorient agricultural systems to ensure food security and effectively support sustainable communities and livelihoods in a changing climate. It is not a new technique, it is an approached used to identify food production systems and strategies.
CSA is based on three main objectives:
- Sustaining and increasing agricultural productivity to support equitable increases in food security, farm incomes, and sustainable communities and livelihoods;
- Adapting and building resilience of agriculture and food security systems to climate change at multiple levels;
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture (including crops, livestock and fisheries).
Program Spotlight: Jensen Uyeda
Jensen is responsible for developing extension programing in support of the fruit and vegetable industries in collaboration with private and public stakeholders to address immediate and emerging industry needs on the leeward side of Oahu. He also serves as a coordinator for the CTAHR HIdroculture Program, which provides education and outreach to Oahu’s Soilless agriculture industry.

Contact Us!
Do you know of anyone in your community who is fighting climate change by incorporating climate smart agriculture into their farm or research? Contact Clay ([email protected]) or Patricia ([email protected]) about it!